Raise your hand and repeat after me: I promise
myself that this year I will take care of my body and train 3 times a week… Here we are again with that infamous New
Year’s resolution that is usually out the window by the end of the month!
Well I think I found a solution to help you keep
your motivation. Looking
fierce! I know I know, sometimes looking good gets tricky when you’re sweating
your butt off at the gym, on the street or simply at home. After a good
shopping around, I found some bad-ass gym outfits that will make you feel
confident as your start and make you look even better when that hard work starts
to pay off this New Year. Check this out!
Forever21 Low Impact - Heathered Strappy Sports Bra $16.80
Forever21 Yoga Pants $25.80
H&M Sports Trousers $29.95
H&M Sports Top $14.95
H&M Sports Line
H&M Sports Line
Niky Pink & Fluo
Nike Women Flex Run Sneakers in Hot Pink
What I am wearing
Forever21 Athletic Bra $12.80
Forever21 Logo Top Withe/Red $16.80
Forever21 Athletic Pants Black $13.80
Walmart Black Runners
One more thing... If you are looking for a great gym in Montreal, where you really workout all of your body parts and sweats the fat away Le Labb is the place for you! Here is a interview I had with Evens Examé co-owner of the gym.
#styledbyfarline #gym #workout #fierce #stylist #10thingstodothismonth
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