
Ok this one is far overdue. But like they say, better late than never. The 6th edition of Fashion Preview was filled with great surprises. However, before I go on on how marvelous were what was seen, let me take just a few line to say how admirable Jason Noel’s work was. He brought sparks, so much fun and let’s face it, was a great add on to the family of Fashion Preview.  

Picture credits: Tioto Photographie

Picture Credits: Tioto Photographie

Picture Credits: Tioto Photographie

Now back to the coverted subject. Day 3, as we may also call it the casual out of the ordinary day of the event: yoga gear casual wear and recycled fashion were quite unexpected in the terms of high fashion standards, but yet a breath of fresh air.

The Students of Lasalle College

I must say that the main attraction that night was the magnificent collection of Claudette Floyd. When you thought that last season was the best could have be done, here goes the talented designer outdoing herself. The dresses were splendid, the cuts and the fabrics were eye candy for the entire audience. 


Picture credits (unless stated otherwise) Isabelle Hamel Blouin. For booking or any other inquiries check her out here

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